Monday, July 13, 2009

Naked Lunch at 50 Plaque unveiling at the Beat Hotel part 3 video and morel

Paris was the first stage of a series of events and happenings to mark the 50th Anniversary of the publication of William Burrough's novel Naked Lunch by Olympia Press. Jean Jacques Lebel and the proprietress of the Hotel Vieux Paris formerly the Beat Hotel unveil the Plaque commemorating William Burroughs, Brion Gysin, Sinclair Beiles, Allen Ginsberg, Peter Orlovsky and Ian Sommerville. Ian developed the Dreamachine with Brion Gysin. The Beat Hotel was the birthplace of Brion Gysin's Cut Up Method of writing adopted by William Burroughs to terrorise fiction from the morass that descended on it after James Joyce.

The event was a rare opportunity for old friends to gather and new friends to form acquaintances in the spirit of and in homage to the artists, thinkers and practitioners who inhabited the hotel which lodged the seminal thinkers who have inspired the the 60s counter-culture, punk rock, the Internet age and so much more during the 1950s and until 1963 when the hotel ws changed forever.

We are all indebted to the organisers Ian McFayden and Oliver Harris and all those who participated in the conference organised in conjunction with University College London and Keale University which took place at the British Council building at Invalides.
Eddie Words reading 9 Rue Git le Couer by Harold Norse, who passed away in June, in
invocation at the Beat Hotal 1 July 2009. Pic Frank Rynne

For more images and video visit Naked Lunch@50 and don't forget the events in Lawrence, Kansas, New York, and San Francisco and more.
If you are organising an event in your home town please contact and let them know.

For more images and videos of the events please visit the official Naked Lunch@50 site
To keep up to date on William Burroughs events and writings visit

For the Interzone blogspot and community click here

More on this blog from the Paris Naked Lunch@50 events click Plaque Unveiling at Beat Hotel and for symposium downtime and the Last Words of Hassan Sabbah click here

More photos here soon.

1 comment:

Johnny Smoke said...

We are very excited about the Brion Gysin exhibition in NYC!!! We wish everyone the best, and would have loved to be present with you!!!