Boujeloud dances in Joujouka/jajouka by Brion Gysin 1958 |
Januray 19th 2016 was Brion Gysin's 100th birthday. Gysin was the mentor of The Master Musicians of Joujouka/Jajouka and the Moroccan artist Mohamed Hamri who ensured the Master Musicians form his family and tribe Ahl Srif came to world attention.
In the early 1960s Hamri brought William S. Burroughs to the village and there are many references to the Masters, Hamri and Boujeloud, styled Pan by Burroughs and Gysin.
Brion Gysin back left with the Masters in performance 1968-9
2016 will see many events globally celebrating Brion Gysin Stay tuned for more info. The Master Musicians of Joujouka Festival 15-17th July will celebrate Brion Gysin and his connection with the village and the music. For more info email joujouka@gmail.com
Boujeloud by Brion Gysin 1958